Monday, February 29, 2016

I Have Loved You and I Did My Best

When I realize that I cared about you more than I cared about my friend. What I mean is I realize that my feelings going to wrong path. We used to be a best friends. We talked and we shared a lot of things. My journey, your journey, my thoughts, your thoughts and our souls I think. We became one, We blur to be one, and its called love. I have no idea I could gave you the damn thing that I can ever never gave to someone else.

When the end of our road, you pull me out. Out of your life and it makes me not know about you anymore. You become someone else that you said you would never be. And it happens we screw up, I dont know it becomes to be the war of our ego or our love. one thing that I want you to know, I have loved you, and I did my best. If your not realize it you will. One day you will realize it I believe it would happen. I still love you Capt, and I will. but Goodbye. 

This pic from The Theory of Everything Movie, at least I gave him my best. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

my favorite band! THE 1975

The 1975 I really like this band. the 1975 are British alternative rock band formed in Manchester. this group consists of Matthew healy (vocal, guitar) wichis my favorite member! his my man!d haha. and there is Adam Hann (guitar), George Daniel (drums), and Ross MacDonald (bass). 

My favorite song is going to be "The Sound" track 13 in I Like It When You Sleep For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unware Of It Album. this is the lyrics look like some poetry that Matthew made!

Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart

I can't believe I forgot your name
Oh baby won't you come again?
She said "I've got a problem with your shoes and your tunes
But I might move in" and
"I thought that you were straight, now I'm wondering"

You're so conceited
I said "I love you"
What does it matter if I lie to you?
I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through
So don't you tell me that you 'just don't get it'
Cause I know you do.

Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart

It's not about reciprocation it's just all about me
A sycophantic, prophetic, Socratic junkie wannabe
There's so much skin to see
A simple Epicurean Philosophy
And you say I'm such a cliche,
I can't see the difference in it either way.
And we left things to protect my mental health
But you call me when you're bored and you're playing with yourself

You're so conceited
I said "I love you"
What does it matter if I lie to you?
I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through
So don't you tell me that you 'just don't get it'
Cause I know you do.

Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart

Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Marriage now! No, I'm still young.

This thought come to my mind in the early morning. When I cant close my eyes again at 3 AM. When I saw my phone through the notifications of my activity or someone catch my post on my social media which is this guy is very special to me. It comes to my mind about my lovelife. Now soon as possible I become a Dreamy Girl 22 years old. This thought finally came up on my mind is about marriage.

Saya akan berpendapat dari sudut pandang saya sebagai wanita yang baru akan beranjak usia 22 tahun (its going to be soon on April) tentang sebuah konsep pernikahan. Pandangan ini tentu saja meliputi pengalaman-pengalaman saya serta lingkungan saya sendiri. Pernikahan menurut saya adalah sebuah ritual agama yang bersifat sakral. Saya sendiri yang memeluk agama Islam tahu dan sadar bahwa menikah merupakan salah satu ibadah yang akan dijalankan.

Saya pernah sekali memimpikan untuk menikah muda dan membangun keluarga yang bahagia, hanya sekali pada saat saya berumur 6 tahun. Saat itu saya hanya seorang anak perempuan yang bersekolah di SD Negeri dan belum tahu apa itu cinta. Menurut saya pernikahan bukan menyelesaikan suatu masalah, tapi justru kebalikannya, menambah masalah. Mengapa saya berpikir seperti itu? Banyak hal yang harus anda pikirkan dengan matang. Penyatuan dua keluarga, membangun sebuah keluarga yang berisi anak,suami dan isteri, menjalani separuh hidup anda dengan seseorang, mengajarkan anak bagaimana menjadi seorang manusia yang baik dan bernorma, sampai anda memiliki seorang cucu, atau generasi ke-3 dari keluarga yang anda bangun. Terlalu rumit bukan? Namun saya yakin dengan orang-orang yang berani mengambil resiko dan memantapkan diri menghadapi masalah yang akan dihadapi dalam membangun sebuah keluarga.

Banyak orang berpendapat bahwa masalah akan tiba dan memang akan muncul namun menikah akan mengurangi beban anda dalam menghadapi masalah, karna anda menghadapi bersama kekasih hidup anda. Saya tidak menyalahkan pendapat ini, memang benar adanya. Saya hanya berpendapat menurut pandangan dan pengalaman saya. Untuk saat ini saya masih berpendapat bahwa pernikahan merupakan pilihan bagi orang-orang yang berani mengambil resiko yang akan dihadapi dalam membangun bahtrera rumah tangga bersama kekasih hidupnya.

Saya akui memang saya belum terlalu berani mengambil resiko sebanyak itu dalam hidup saya, mungkin pendapat saya akan berubah jikalau saya mantap dan memang sudah menemukan kekasih hidup saya yang akan sanggup menjalani masalah-masalah dikemudian hari setelah pernikahan itu terjadi. No offsense bagi orang-orang yang berpendapat kebalikannya terhadap saya, tanyalah dirimu sendiri apakah kalian sanggup untuk menghadapi masalah-masalah tersebut saat umur dan pikiran serta pribadi anda yang berubah-ubah? Siap untuk menikah muda? Siap untuk menyatukan isi kepala anda dengan isi kepala pasangan anda saat hari-hari buruk yang akan anda hadapi? Saya harap bukan perceraian jawabannya.

Goodmorning, from The Dreamer who seek a true love J

Thursday, February 11, 2016

I really love this Quote form Mr. Amari Soul

Mr. Amari Soul Author of #ReflectionsofAMan 

I really want to read this book but I dont have it now. Maybe if I have and already to read that book I will review  for you. its about the relationship guidance. why I really love about relationship guidance? because I really sucks about it. I always end up my relationship with a badly situation haha. so I should learn more about it. Well I'm not blaming Capt. W about what happens now. cuz Mr. Amari Soul told me about this.. 

The first song Captain W gave me.,

The first time you gave me this song. remember? you told me that I gave you the feeling of comfort. we started as a bestfriend until we realize our feelings its not longer about friendship. 

Rizky Febian - Kesempurnaan Cinta 

Kau dan Aku tercipta oleh waktuHanya untuk saling mencintaiMungkin Kita ditakdirkan bersamarajut kasih jalin cinta
Berada dipelukanmumengajarkanku apa artinya kenyamananKesempurnaan cinta
Berdua bersamamumengajarkanku apa artinya kenyamananKesempurnaan cinta
Kau dan Aku tercipta oleh waktuHanya untuk saling mencintaiMungkin Kita ditakdirkan bersamamerajut kasih menjalin cinta
Reff:Berada dipelukanmumengajarkanku apa artinya kenyamananKesempurnaan cinta
Berdua bersamamumengajarkanku apa artinya kenyamananKesempurnaan cinta
Tak pernah terbayangkan olehkuBila kau tinggalkan akuHancurlah hatiku musnah harapanku sayang
Berada dipelukanmumengajarkanku apa artinya kenyamananKesempurnaan cinta
Berdua bersamamumengajarkanku apa artinya kenyamananKesempurnaan cinta